Vex Robotics
Photography Challenge
Our entered website shows how we work together as a team and it tracks our accomplishments. All of the different components have a meaning.
Meet the team: This page shows who we are, and what we do outside of robotics and school.
Robot: Our robot blog tracks our accomplisments and it gives readers a sense of who we are and what our team roles are.
Gallery: The Gallery shows pictures of the robot and our team. As we do new things and meet new people the gallery is a visual show of what we do.
Community: The community page shows how we make a change in our community and it also shows our sponsors. We think of our sponsors as people of the community who like who we are and what our goals are. Reaching out into the community is a big part of who we are as a team and we believe that spreading the word about STEM to both girls and boys is an important part of the Vex progam.
Vex Games: The Vex Games page tells the reader what Vex is and what its goal is. As we participate in more competitions, the page will expand. This page also shows what awards we get, our scores, and rankings. We believe that every loss should be recorded as a memory of what we need to improve on. We don't want to hide anything.
Online Challenges: The online challenges page shows what challenges we do each year. It has information and updated on all of the challenges we participate in.
Girl Powered
"We believe that everyone should have a chance to do what they love and we want to show the world that girls can do robotics too."
VEX Robotics Competition Promote Award
This is our Promote Video! We hope to inspire people to try Vex and to be confident in who they are!